
Komplexität mit Intelligenz lösen
Erfahrung in der Bedienung verschiedener Branchen
Kann alle Abrechnungsanforderungen erfüllen

Flexible Regeln und geordnete Bestellungen

Ein umfassendes Abrechnungs- und Abwicklungssystem, die die Definition von Rechnungsthemen umfasst, einschließlich Angebot, Gebühreneinzug, Abrechnung, Buchhaltung, Warnung und Analyse. Jede Verbindung kann erweitert, definiert und kombiniert werden, um leicht auf komplexe Bedürfnisse reagieren zu können.



Konsequente Rechnungsthemen

Integrierte Standard-Rechnungsthemen. Sie können auch wählen, Konten aus dem Finanzsystem zu synchronisieren, um Konsistenz zwischen dem Abrechnungs- und Abwicklungssystem und dem Finanzsystem zu erreichen.

Jede erweiterte Dokumentation

Geschäftsdokumente (wie Aufträge und Angebote) können auf jedes Feld erweitert werden, und ihre Anzeige/Versteckung, obligatorische/optionale Kontrolle und Suchunterstützung können definiert werden.

Flexibel definierte Abrechnung

Für ein bestimmtes Angebot können mehrere Themen ausgewählt werden, und die entsprechende Berechnungslogik kann festgelegt werden. Durch die Kombination von erweiterten Feldern und Algorithmusunterstützung kann nahezu jede komplexe Kostenlogik genau berechnet werden.

Differenzierte Preispolitik

Differenzierte Preispolitiken können basierend auf verschiedenen Faktoren wie Kunden, Geschäftsstandorte, Routen, Gütern und jeglicher Kombination aus Dutzenden von Faktoren festgelegt werden.

Vertrauenswürdige Online-Abstimmung

Mit einem Klick eine Rechnung generieren und eine vertrauenswürdige Rechnung für beide Parteien basierend auf der Technologie der digitaler Signatur erstellen. Von Geschäftsdokumenten, elektronischen Rechnungen bis zu Online-Zahlungen, eine echte elektronische Abrechnung erreichen.

Sichere und bequeme Zahlung

Verbunden mit verschiedenen gängigen Online-Zahlungsprodukte, kann es Batch-Abrechnung, automatische Verifizierung und automatische Erzeugung von Buchungsbelegen erreichen.


Our Customers

They achieved the goals successfully by using the digital solution of Niuinfo.

Niux aPaaS

Key Technologies and Core Components

Low Code

NiuX is a rapid development platform for professionals, based on model driven rapid construction of complex enterprise level applications. By automatically generating a full amount of source code, developers can deeply transform without any constraints – this is very important for those who want complete autonomy, controllability, and sustainable development!

Group Organizations

Provide multi-level support for the corporate structure of the group, which not only meets the business independence needs of each company (and department), but also achieves cross organizational data sharing and business collaboration. In addition, a user can belong to multiple organizations and perform their job functions in different organizations and positions through convenient role switching.

Workflow Engine

As an important built-in component of NiuX, the process engine determines the routing and content of information transmission between various application modules based on different roles, division of labor, and conditions, providing high automation and customizability for the collaboration of company business across multiple organizations and roles.

Numbering Rules

By establishing rules for numbering different types of business documents, each electronic document number can have clear and important significance that matches the characteristics of the enterprise. A number can be composed of any number of substrings defined by different businesses, combined with QR codes/barcodes, to achieve search, tracking, and sharing of business information.

Macro Programming

On published application systems, users can write script programs (like Excel’s macro programming) on the interface to adjust business strategies and data logic – we deeply understand that enterprise requirements are always complex and ever-changing, and to make software better serve the business, we must embrace this unpredictable possibility of change.

Planning Engine

How should we arrange the transportation tasks and routes for 10 vehicles with 100 different departure/destination transportation needs to minimize the overall cost? This is an NP hard problem. NiuX has a built-in operations planning engine that uses intelligent computing to find feasible and approximate optimal solutions for business needs.

Report Engine

Through the report engine, you can quickly and conveniently create various business visualization reports and cool large screen display systems through drag and drop. Supports the collection and expression calculation of multiple data sources, as well as precise printing functionality. NiuX also offers report subscriptions and actively pushes them to your phone and email.

Extend Fields

NiuX provides unlimited possibilities for expanding the information of forms. Users can infinitely add various types of information fields on the form, and define their display/hide, optional/mandatory fields, as well as the extension of the form’s attachment files; We also provide search support for these potential future expansion fields.

Permission Control

We provide a user role based permission mechanism for access control of business data. It not only supports which line information can be accessed by different users (such as records with an amount less than 5000 yuan), but also provides precise control for sensitive column information (such as transaction price, customer ID number number, etc.).

Enterprise Service Bus

Users can define „events“ for various critical businesses and specify the application to handle this event. When an event occurs, the designated application will be notified through the message bus for processing. This mechanism can also be applied to the interaction between NiuX and external third-party systems, achieving decoupling between systems.

System Monitoring

NiuX has built-in rich monitoring components, including gateway routing, multiple data source management, scheduled tasks, system logs, data logs, database performance, cache database monitoring, network request tracking, etc. It comprehensively monitors the health status of the system in real-time, providing strong support for the smooth operation of the business.


In order to support the collaboration and unified management of cross-border business for large group enterprises with branches spread all over the world, NiuX provides internationalization support. This includes internationalization features such as multilingualism (Chinese, English, and other languages that may be needed), multi time zones, multi currencies, and currency exchange rate conversion.

Sie können sich mit dem Online-Kundendienst in Verbindung setzen oder die Service-Hotline anrufen, um Lösungen zu erhalten und eine Demonstration zu vereinbaren.

09:00-18:00, Shanghai/Asia Zeitzone